Minutes for Directors Meeting of Sept. 3, 2008

= Minutes for Directors Meeting of 2008-09-03 =

== Next Meeting ==


== Attendance ==

 * Luis
 * Vincent
 * Brian
 * J5
 * Behdad
 * Stormy
 * Zana
 * James Vasile (guest)

=== Regrets ===

 * Lucas
 * Jeff

== Minutes ==

=== Recurring items ===

 * GUADEC 2009: ongoing discussion of budget/strategy; planning for
next meeting. ACTION: Stormy and John to attend planning meeting.
 * GNOME.Asia: ACTION: Stormy to propose list of replacement speakers to Dave
 * insurance: (covered on list) moving forward on insurance; some
details still need clarification.
 * hackfests: no news.
 * Summit: prep is ongoing.
 * Stormy annual goals: update on progress from John, Stormy. ACTION:
Jon to elaborate and clarify; board to thumbs up/thumbs down.

=== New items ===

 * next ad board meeting: ACTION: Stormy and Vincent will continue
working on this.
 * ad board meeting after that: discussion on list
 * financial report: Board profusely thanks Zana for her work on this.
Behdad points at http://ev.kde.org/reports/ev-quarterly-2008Q1-Q2.pdf
- some discussion of whether or not that would be appropriate for us.
ACTION: Vincent to publish to the web; Stormy to draft announce.
 * demo/video stuff: what can we/do we want to move forward there?

= Discussed on board-list =

 * Meeting w/ KDE about GUADEC/Akademy 2009 being scheduled for early
September in Berlin.
 * 2007 Financial Report done and to be published soon.
 * All taxes through 2007 filed.
 * Oked GNOME logo for GNOME Developer's Guide. (GNOME Foundation to
get some rights to guide, TBD.)
 * Oked GNOME logo for GUADEC/Akademy 2009.
 * Announcing new mobile stewardship team.
 * Approved various hackfests:
  * epiphany/webkit
  * art/theme
  * desktop search
  * introspection
 * Stormy presented to HP internal teams about GNOME Foundation to see
if there's other teams in HP that want to engage with the GNOME
 * GUADEC 2007 accounts closed
 * Rebalanced the budget for 2008
 * Finance meeting with Advisory Board
 * mobile commitee announce
 * discuss IRC chat with ED. Do we want an on-IRC board meeting once a month?

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