Minutes for Directors Meeting of Aug. 20, 2008

= Minutes for Meeting of Aug. 20, 2008 =

== Next Meeting ==

Sept. 3

== Attendance ==

 * Vincent
 * Brian
 * J5
 * Behdad
 * Stormy
 * Zana

=== Regrets ===

 * Luis
 * Jeff
 * Lucas

== Minutes ==

 * significant private discussion

 * GNOME.Asia:
  * Fund travel?
  * ACTION: Brian to ask Emily for list of more people to sponsor.
Preferably closer, more local, people.
  * Behdad suggests Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay.

 * GUADEC+Akademy:
  * ACTION: Behdad to send a proposal to list about finances.
  * J5: We should be careful...  Keep our identity.  Not gov't run.
Make sure we get the conference that we want.  etc...
  * Everyone discuss on board list.

 * GTK+ Adboard meeting:
  * Vincent to contact GTK+ team again.

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