Re: How dead is f-spot

I'd still consider f-spot a gnome application, however making it more cross-platform friendly is definitely something I'd like to accomplish. Ideally, it would become less dependent on gnome specific things. The one exception off the top of my head is gtk-sharp.

As for the repository, I consider the repo to be dead. As for how distros will see it I'm not sure. F-Spot is starting to largely not be provided by distros partly because of the lack of work on my part and also the lack of mono. With more interest in bringing mono/.NET back to Linux this might change.


PS. Most of the changes that I've made to master have been focused on removing older .NET framework things such as non-generic collections, obsolete methods, and fixing crashes. If you guys want to report crashes (please include stacktraces f-spot --debug) I'll see what I can do about fixing them over the break and maybe releasing a new version in January?

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Jack <ostroffjh sbcglobal net> wrote:
I still have some confusion.  Is f-spot still considered a gnome application?  Should we think of the github repository as a fork, or will the gnome repository eventually get updated to match?  I'm happy either way, I just want a better understanding, and it might also have some effect on how distros think about packaging f-spot.

I primarily use KDE, so f-spot becoming more platform agnostic would be good for me.  I have a slight fear of f-spot depending on some part of gnome that absolutely requires systemd, which I still don't run, and I don't want to be forced to switch just because of one application.


On 2014.12.08 22:50, Stephen Shaw wrote:
Sorry about the confusion. I've failed to update the website and friends partly due to lack of access, but I know who to talk to now. One of the reasons I moved it to github was because it seemed like it would be easier for people to submit PRs, etc.


On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Camilo Polymeris <cpolymeris gmail com> wrote:
One of the downsides of Git:  code sprawl.  It gets ever more difficult to determine the canon code base of a project.
> [...]
> >
> Absolutely.
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