Re: OT Writing an Article about F-Spot

 Was it the first FOSS photo management application ?

No clue, I *VERY* much doubt it.  I'd wager the "first FOSS photo
management application" is long forgotten, and was probably circa
the 1980s.  This is not a new category of applications.

Wikipedia claims:

 The first digital camera that was actually marketed commercially was
 sold in December of 1989 in Japan, the DS-X by Fuji

So before that, and probably for some years after, there would not
have been much need for a "photo management application".  Even xv
only dates back to the early 1990s.  And that's an early image
viewer and sort of rather crude editor, with hardly any decent
management functionality.

We can get into a pedantic argument about what "photo management
application" means! :)

So we could :-)

Scanning physical images was possible prior to the digital camera;
and there was software for storing as well as categorizing those
images.  Scanners were popular in the 1990s prior to the wide-spread
adoption of digital cameras.  I logged no shortage of hours standing
at a flatbed scanner.

I actually paid student to do that :-)
But even though I've been in computer vision since the early 1990s
(using "framegrabbers" - I shudder to think how much money we spend on
those - and of course scanners, and the cameras that came with SGIs in
the mid-90s), I cannot remember any "photo management software" that
actually managed (rather than displayed and modified) images.

Can you?

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