Re: Being honest about the development of f-spot

Hello Roland,

> Before somebody starts spending time writing such a tool from
> scracth, I wrote a python script to migrate from f-spot to
> digikam. I have used it with my collection of around 10000 pictures
> and works pretty well. At least for me, since I could not test this
> with any other installations! It can migrate tags and ratings (the
> most important settings for me) and the comments as well.

Thank you very much for sharing!  Did you test this with names
containing non-ascii characters?  If so, what version of Python did
you test against (I had some trouble to get urllib.unquote to work in
anything from Python 2.5 to 2.7)?

After a quick look this ought to work for at least f-spot 0.8.x, and
probably 0.7.x to (not quite sure when f-spot changed to database
version 17)


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