date adjustment problem

Good evening,

Several months ago, I imported a batch of pictures (about 40) not realizing that the camera battery had died, so they all had dates of March 12, 2153. I managed to adjust the dates into 2010 (scattered across a month or two) and they all look right within f-spot. However, I just realized that these are all stored in .../Photos/2153/03/12/xxx.jpg and the dates within the jpeg files are all still 2153.

I'd like to do two things: change the dates in the files to what I think they actually were, and move the files into the "correct" folders under Photos. Is this possible in f-spot? If not, I assume I can pull the right info out of the database - but what utilities could I use to fix the files? I assume if I do this, I can then re-import them into f-spot?

Thanks for any pointers or suggestions.


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