Re: Criteria for importing

> This is a very different workflow than the one I use so I'm not
> familiar with it. I import from some location (card, directory, etc.)
> and then just let F-Spot put them where it wants. I can understand and
> value this approach though. Other than duplicate detection I didn't
> know F-Spot would do something like this (or perhaps once did).
> It does seem like if F-Spot can automatically ignore photos for which
> it knows (given the URI already exists in its db) then that would be
> the correct approach. I can certainly give it a look.

I've always used this workflow and F-Spot always did the right thing
in the past, so it seems the issue was introduced between 0.6 and 0.8.

Before experiencing this, I always assumed the criteria was the path,
but it seems I was wrong.

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