Re: Please, continue evonving f-spot

Mauricio Tellez wrote:
> 2011/8/12 Simon Lindgren <simon n lindgren gmail com>
>> > F-spot weakness:
>> > 1. Low Speed: The thumbnails are slow, if I jump to some point oh my
>> f-spot uses the system thumbnails cache from which the images get
>> evicted after a while (this time can be changed).
>> Shotwell uses its own thumbnail directory which is in general considered
>> to be a Very Bad Thing®, but has an advantage in this case. IMO it is
>> still the wrong way to go, the correct way is to fix the system-wide one
>> instead.

I have to say that with only 2-3000 photos f-spot is so slow to be unusable
(I do have a slow machine though, Eeepc900)

>> > 4. Stability. I had several issues here. 1 of 3 times, when I import
>> some
>> It's possible that there was an error when generating the thumb, or it
>> might be a bug... I have noticed that there seems to be a race or some
>> other bug in the thumbnail loading which makes f-spot stop updating the
>> ui.

Same here: I have continuous crashes when importing more than a few dozens
of photos.

A nice thing of Shotwell is the ability to show videos as well as photos. It
is indeed very common to have a mixed video+pictures collection when using a
digital camera.

I have another f-spot weakness to mention: somehow it corrupts my tags when
using multiple applications. I usually do the tagging in geeqie (due to its
great feature of «marking» photos and connecting tags to marks). For some
reason (probably connected with bad xml syntax handling) when I add tags
within f-spot to those photos it deletes all the other tags keeping only its
ones. And yes, I still see all tags in f-spot interface, they are just gone
from the files :-(

Since a year or so I do all the tagging via geeqie + exiftool commandline,
waiting for Shotwell to include hierarchical tags (due later this month).

I don't want to start a flame war here, just adding my VHO ;-)

GNU/Linux user 190604
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