Re: critical missing feature: embedding tags in EXIF/IPTC


first, thanks for the input.

Am Dienstag, den 31.08.2010, 00:28 -0700 schrieb Piergiorgio Traversin:
> It'd be nice to have f-spot tagging automatically all the same-name or
> equivalent fields (I am sincerely getting lost into this jungle, I am not
> sure of the exact purpose of the many many existing fields), or to have a
> panel where one can manually check the fields to write (but the huge number
> of fields makes this last one not practical).

That is the stuff what the mwg (metadata working group) does: defining
fields which are equivalent and how to read/write them. Having the
different metadata fields stored in different formats (exif, xmp, etc.)
is a mess. So for f-spot, the way to go is to hide the complexity from
the user.

A good overview of 'equivalent' fields is this:
(there are more, maybe less important ones... )


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