Re: move photos into date directory hierarchy

Can you post your import script?


Steve Herber	herber thing com		work: 206-221-7262
Software Engineer, UW Medicine, IT Services	home: 425-454-2399

On Mon, 20 Jul 2009, Bill Moseley wrote:

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 5:46 AM, Brian J. Murrell <brian interlinx bc ca>wrote:

Lacking a method in the f-spot UI to do this, I think really, all I want
to do is to search the f-spot database for entries that are not in the
year/month/day hierarchy, dig the year, month and day out of the photo
(or database if that's in the database), move the photo to the right
year/month/day directory and then change the database pointer.

I did something similar with a Perl script.  It was quite easy to do.  I
don't have that script around, but I still use my own script to import

I'd probably scan the file system for photos that are not in the correct
place, attempt to lookup in the f-spot database, and then either update or
insert after moving the file.

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