Re: How do I fix a corrupted database?

Baasha wrote:
Unfortunately, F-Spot will not allow me to choose the folder where my photos are stored. All it can see are a couple of Windows partitions and my camera card (if it were plugged in). My photos are on my linux partition. There is also no place to check "detect duplicates" either. Are these features only available with extensions, or newer versions of F-Spot? I have a repository for extensions registered, but all it can see are a few export extensions, which I already have. Has there been a change in the repository location that I don't know about?

In the meantime, I am stumped. Nearly half of my pnoto collection is inaccessible and I really need to get to them. Does anybody have a suggestion?

I don't see how you can't get at your files on import. You just need to choose the "Select Folder" option...


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