Re: Moving disk files by export/import?

Lorenzo Milesi <lorenzo milesi yetopen it> wrote:
> Il giorno dom, 04/01/2009 alle 09.42 +0800, Bengt Thuree ha scritto:
> > Check the Change Photo Path extension...
> exactly!

Thanks, yes, that seem to have done the trick. Seems like there ought
to be a way to flush the database updates faster, though.

> or anyway, if you tagged them with "Write metadata" enabled, you can
> safely remove them from f-spot (NOT deleting from disk), reimport them
> from the new location: tags will be assigned magically ;)

Is there an extension to move existing tags to metadata? What are the
pros/cons with internal metadata?

I like how f-spot allows me to tag and locate photos by tag, but I'm
not crazy about how it wants to "own" the photos locations on disk.
I've got my /data/photos exported via Samba to the Windows machines
around the house, and when one of my family members hands me memory
card, they like to be able to locate the new photos easily. In an
ideal world, they'd just look in the appropriate year/month
subdirectory. In the real world, their cameras don't always have the
correct time and date.

If I could import rolls into /data/photos/new and periodically move
the tagged photos to /data/photos, that would be a lot more

Or is there some other obvious approach I'm not seeing?


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