Re: How to update the MainWindow query from an "external" class?

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 7:48 PM, Lorenzo Milesi
<lorenzo milesi yetopen it> wrote:
>> I realize it is difficult to build an "export framework" that is
>> consistent and suits the needs of various exporters at the same time
>> (as is the case with _any_ framework).  At this point I was just
>> wondering if anyone else thinks a common "export core" would be
>> useful.
> that's CERTAINLY something which was already discussed, but was not a
> priority right now. I personally would like to create such a framework
> very much, as all the exports share most of the code, at least the base
> related to export options (sizes, tags, and other stuff). I really would
> like to create that. Sadly my coding knowledge is limited, so when I
> started making that out I reached a point where I needed some help...
> and that stopped me.
> With this export extension will become much smaller, and will have to
> handle much less options!
> If you want, we can join efforts ;)

I'd like to help, but you should know that my time resources are very
limited and my C# knowledge is scarce (I like to say I know it as well
as it is similar to Java ;)  Perhaps we still need someone else...


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