Re: How to update the MainWindow query from an "external" class?

Il giorno sab, 27/12/2008 alle 17.24 +0100, Abdul Pallarés ha scritto:
> I'm developing an extension that needs to modify the MainWindow's
> query
> but all the objects that works with this property are privated, is ti
> possible to modify? does anyone knows a way? can u tell what object to
> use or way to do? 

Yes, it shouldn't be allowed to external code to touch mw's query. It
was already discussed here:
but read the last comment

> The objective of the extension is to find the pictures
> not exported with any of the exporters so you know what pictures to
> upload to flikr for example

not all exporters write to the exports table. :(

Lorenzo Milesi - lorenzo milesi yetopen it

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