Re: large import

On Thu, Dec 27, 2007 at 09:57:57AM -0500, Andrew Conkling wrote:
> On Dec 27, 2007 9:48 AM, Bill Moseley <moseley hank org> wrote:
> >
> > I'm thinking I'll write a script and move the files and add the photos
> > directly to the SQLite database.  That would avoid those problems.
> You're a brave soul; I'd think that'd cause more problems than it would
> circumvent!

What part is brave?  The database sure looks simple enough:

sqlite> select * from photos limit 1;
INSERT INTO table VALUES(1,1198720423,'/home/moseley/2007/12/26','1.jpg','',1,1);

sqlite> .schema photos
    id                  INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    time                INTEGER NOT NULL,
    directory_path      STRING NOT NULL,
    name                STRING NOT NULL,
    description         TEXT NOT NULL,
    roll_id             INTEGER NOT NULL,
    default_version_id  INTEGER NOT NULL

(The id is AUTOINCREMENT -- not sure why sqlite doesn't show that.)

The time is the exif date, or the file mtime if no exif info is

So, adding photos doesn't look too challenging -- other than
generating the thumbnails which I'm not clear on.  Is there something
else you were thinking of?

Bill Moseley
moseley hank org

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