large import

I have a large collection of images I'd like to organized into
directories by date.  Currently they are scattered around in a few
different directories and do not have any kind of consistent naming

I thought I saw an option to symlink the photos -- but I don't see it
now.  Is there a way to have f-spot import my photos and organize
them into directories by date and only symlink (or better hard-link)
instead of copy?

I assume f-spot looks at the exif info for the date, right?

Is there another way to "import" the photos without having to copy

If not, perhaps I could write a script to read the exif date and
create hard links and then import w/o copy.

How does f-spot organize by date?  If I write a script I should
organize the same way that f-spot does.  I suppose I could just write
the SQLite database, too.

Any suggestions how best to import?  I've got about 80GB of images to

Bill Moseley
moseley hank org

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