Re: Could not create a wiki account

On Fri, 2006-09-22 at 11:38 -0300, Eduardo Mercovich wrote:
> Then, I
> wanted to search (and try to explain if that is possible) for a way to
> change the directory Photos/, or use another.
Using CVS (or 0.2.1) gives you the following

> ./f-spot --help
> Usage f-spot [OPTION. ..]
>   --import [uri]                        import from the given uri
>   --view <file>                         view a file or directory 
>   --basedir <dir>                       <dir> where the photo database is located 
>   --photodir <dir>                      import photos in <dir> 
>   --shutdown                            shutdown a running f-spot server
>   --slideshow                           display a slideshow
>   --debug                               run f-spot with mono in debug mode
>   --help                                view this message

Observe the --photodir and --basedir options.

I agree, this should be on the wiki now

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