Re: Show all tags in Albums? (Was: Terminology)

Dotan Cohen wrote:
On 19/09/06, Sam Barker <sam quadrocket co uk> wrote:

As I see it a picture belongs to an album and a tag belongs to a
picture, not the other way round. I think this distinction is
fundamental. A tag is just an arbitrary piece of meta data, an album is
some kind of container.

Also here, I agree with you. By that thinking, a picture could belong
to only one single album, which I happen to agree with. Hwoever, that
was frowned upon on the list. I personally like the idea.

I don't follow your logic... If "a picture belongs to an album" implies that each picture can only belong to one album, does that mean "a tag belongs to a picture" mean that each tag can only belong to one picture?

I don't think either case would be particularly usable or useful...


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