Re: About the Monday's meetings...


Good job trying to get everyone back on track.  I think we all thought the meetings were a good thing.  (Except maybe Larry who had to review and commit all the stuff and couldn't work on his stuff :) )

My thoughts.

- Every two weeks for a goal is probably excessive, as it doesn't leave time to work on your own stuff.
- Goals got bigger and bigger.
- We often had off subject (or not directly relevant) discussions during the meetings.  Whether it be code details or not, if its at all prolonged it turns into a distraction and makes the meeting longer than necessary.

- Only have a goal when:
    1) The person involved requests it.
    2) All thats left is a final push for commital or for some other significant milestone.
    3) Maximum 1 goal per month.

Basically agree with what you had to say.

Someone else mentioned non-coding goals.  If there is interest  that could be really  good as  a lot of that stuff has been somewhat ignored and it is important.

I wasn't around for most of the later meetings so these comments are mainly based on what I was seeing as of the end of Aug.  IMHO even if we decide not to continue with the goals, the meetings have lots of other benefits.  They build community, allow for discussion of major changes and controversial issues, etc.


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