Nondestructive photo-retouching/editing, implementation using GEGL?


I wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to implement as little as possible
of the low-level image-manipulation functionality in F-spot itself. The
goals of the GEGL library, which also aims to be the
back-end of GIMP seems like it can be quite useful.

Image operations are specified in an XML file, which would make it quite
easy to store manipulations in the F-Sport DB. This would also make
it possibe to import/export image manipulations for use with other

Using GEGL will make the performance and correctness of various
image operations an SEP (Sombody Else's Problem). Since it should
become the back-end to GIMP I'm sure it will get a lot more love than the
F-spot community could give a similar library on its own.

Of course GEGL has been a long time coming (as anyone who longs for more
than 8bit/channel support in GIMP may well be aware), but there seems to
have been some encouraging activity of late. It seems like it may already
be useful for F-spot's needs.

I say this all as a non-developer and currently non-user of F-spot, but I
do sense much potential in F-spot. I also think using GEGL or similar as
the back-end for the image manipulations is a Right Thing (tm). So there
you have my 2c :)


you know its kind of tragic 
we live in the new world
but we've lost the magic
-- Battery 9 (

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