Re: [Evolution] Evolution or dbus issue ?

On Tue, 2022-09-13 at 16:57 -0500, Anonymous Japhering via evolution-
list wrote:
However, now I'm seeing  the link open is the already running
instance of Brave as well as a completely new
instance of Brave being started.

there's not involved the D-Bus in this, well, with Flatpak there can,
but not that much, only to pass the request from the sandbox to the
host system through a portal.

You should get quite similar results when you run from a terminal:

   $ xdg-open

You can run it from the Flatpak sandbox too, it's in two steps:

   $ flatpak run --command=sh org.gnome.Evolution
   $ xdg-open

Evolution 3.44.4 had been released on 2022-08-05, almost 6 weeks ago,
and it had been updated on the site shortly afterwards. I
doubt anything will change when you downgrade to 3.44.3, because there
were only minimal changes in the 3.44.4, none related to the link
opening. It's more likely some of the background libraries changed, my
guess would be the glib library, which is used for these things in the
code. Even the portal could change on the host machine (check updates
of the xdg-desktop-portal* packages). Browsers have settings to open
links in a new tab or in a new window, though in your case it's weird
to have it open in both.


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