Re: [Evolution] How do I delete a folder that isn't there?

On Tue, 2022-11-15 at 21:50 -0500, Ken Wright via evolution-list wrote:
When I try to delete or move the folder, I get a message
saying there is no such folder.

I guess the server has the folder set as a virtual folder (not virtual
as in the Evolution terms, aka Search Folder). Or, it would be even
better, the folder name on the server contains a forward slash, which
Evolution can interpret as a directory separator in some cases, thus
the server may return "mailing/lists" and instead of seeing in the GUI


there's shown:


This is only a wild guess. If anyone would like to object the forward
slash in the folder name should be preserved, then there are use cases
where this behavior helps to retain folder-like structure in the GUI,
thus I'd not change this behavior.

You can check what the server does when you run evolution as:

   $ CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx:io flatpak run org.gnome.Evolution

which will print raw communication between the server and the client.
Search for that folder name in the log, to see what the server returns
and what the Evolution (or better libcamel) does with it when you try
to move/rename it, together with the response from the server, even
though the "folder not found" error can be caught by the libcamel
before sending any request to the server.

By the way, what does the folder name look like, please?

Evolution 3.46.2 Flatpak.

There is no 3.46.2 release yet. It looks like you build the stable
version from the git checkout yourself (which is great). You can see
the exact version in Help->About, which even mentions the git commit
used for the build.


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