Re: [Evolution] Have I pushed Evolution beyond where it is designed to go?

On Fri, 2022-11-04 at 13:23 +0000, Mike wrote:
This is my first post here and it is a long one.

I did look at the index of previous posts but there is no way to
search through all of them, so I truly do apologize in advance... 

Go to

and there's a search box at the top.

On the new platform, with the data imported (and all the data is
there) only a day after I imported it, it no longer displayed any new

It says there is new mail via a notification popup, but there is
nothing in the inbox or anywhere else.

Help -> Contents -> Common Mail Questions 
                     -> I cannot see some emails

Primarily check that you don't have any search terms imposed and that
the Show: next to the search box is set to "All Messages".


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