Re: [Evolution] What do I do now? V2

On Wed, 2022-11-02 at 16:27 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
poc, there had been multiple people offering help even with the
infrastructure. In case the current list admins do not respond, say
till the 6th (this Sunday), would it make sense to engage those folks,
if they are still willing to co-admin the list, wherever it is? There
should be a voice from them too, of course. I suppose to make the list
alive will take some time, hence I chose the 6th, to have at least a
week for it to set up.


I'm willing to help. I'm an experienced FLOSS user, but I have got zero
experiences with mailing lists.

I'm a former Assembler programmer, I don't have any python knowledge.
IOW I'm a power user, not a coder.

My free time is quite limited.


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