Re: [Evolution] What do I do now? V2

On Wed, 2022-11-02 at 16:27 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
On Wed, 2022-11-02 at 20:23 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
It is clear that the vast majority simply do not want a mailing

well, I believe that's a wrong assumption. You might also consider
if "random people create random list" is not the right thing to do.
community should work together, not to be split, because some random
folks think they do the best for the community even they do not wait
for the community decision.  Okay, yes, there is not much time,
true, but still. As had been said by someone, there can be made also
Discourse post about where the "real" new mailing list is handled.

That's the reason why I didn't act on my own and did not create the
list myself, on a place I would prefer. I want to be sure the people
are willing to move that way first. And there are supposed to be
multiple moderators/admins, as poc said. I'm not the admin at the
moment and I'd prefer not to be. I've no idea how long I'll stay with
the project and my free time is kinda limited, as for everybody else.

poc, there had been multiple people offering help even with the
infrastructure. In case the current list admins do not respond, say
till the 6th (this Sunday), would it make sense to engage those
if they are still willing to co-admin the list, wherever it is? There
should be a voice from them too, of course. I suppose to make the
alive will take some time, hence I chose the 6th, to have at least a
week for it to set up.

Bret, what about you? Would you be willing to co-admin such list?

I think there had been at least two other folks mentioned here, but I
lost their names, I'm sorry. If you read this, please respond.

Just my personal opinion and thoughts.

I basically agree with all the above. If there is general agreement,
I'm willing to continue as a co-moderator, but equally willing to pass
that on to someone else.

In case it's not sufficiently clear: we are moderators, not
administrators. We have *no power* over the list other than defining
certain policies (e.g. no digests), dealing with spam, and managing
membership. We have nothing to do with the hosting platform or the
Mailman implementation. IOW a decision to set up an alternate list
doesn't rely on us in any way.


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