[Evolution] Bad bug in Evolution 3.44.1

I don't have any hope that anyone can actually make something useful
from this report, but here goes anyway:

I'm on Ubuntu 20.04 but I'm using the Evolution 3.44.1 flatpak to get a
modern version.  I've been using this for a number of months without
problems, including sending other email to this same mailing list.

I just wrote an email to the gcc-help list: I switched the default type
from HTML to Plain Text, then pasted some text and selected the text
and changed the paragraph type to Preformatted, then I edited and
checked and rewrote and futzed with the email for about 15 minutes,
then I sent it.

When it arrived, it looked like this:


That is what the message looked like about 30s after I created it,
right after I pasted the text into it and before I had done any other
editing on it including changing it to Preformatted.  Note that it's
not just that the message cuts off and the rest is missing: changes
that I made to the part of the message that IS present, are missing as

It's appears that Evolution internally froze the content of my message
at that moment, and all the further edits that I made so that the
message looked perfect to me were thrown away when I clicked Send and
that initial frozen version was sent instead.

I looked in my Sent folder and the same content is there as what was
received by the GCC list.

Very bizarre and annoying, sigh.

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