Re: [Evolution] Old emails missing

On Fri, 2022-01-14 at 07:59 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
On Fri, 2022-01-14 at 01:45 -0500, Ken Wright via evolution-list
Which got reinstalled, Evo or Dovecot?  Or both?


it also can depend on the settings. Like if you use Quick Resync,
then it usually checks for changes since the last time.

The Quick Resync checkbox is unchecked.

Or if your connection is considered metered, then the IMAPx code does
not refresh the folder fully. It can be enabled in the IMAPx account
Properties->Receiving Options tab. I'm not sure whether your 3.40 has
that option available in the GUI or not.

"Enable full folder update on metered network" is checked.  Wouldn't
that reload everything?

Finally, you can remove ~/.cache/evolution/mail/<imapx-account-UID>/
directory, when Evolution is off, to let it start from scratch the
next run.

Tried that.  No joy.


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