[Evolution] Keyboard equivalent to Ctrl + Click to select several email messages


Is there a way to use the keyboard to select a message, with "holes"
between selected messages?

The arrow keys can be used to move the selection up/down, and when I
hold Shift + Down (or Up) then multiple email messages can be selected.
However, I would like to be able to "skip" some messages, similar to
the way Ctrl + Click works with the mouse--I can Ctrl + Click message
#1, followed by message #3 (for example), keeping message #2

The effect I'm trying to achieve is something like Gmail's "Keyboard
shortcuts on" setting, which allows to use arrow keys (or vi's "j" /
"k" keys) to move up and down to browse messages, followed by the "x"
key on any message to select it. Then I can press "y" to batch archive
all selected messages (for example).

Duane Johnson

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