[Evolution] Icons.

Hi, Wanted to add an icon for Appointments, wanted to be sure I was not exceeding size requirements
Thought if I found an existing one. ie
path to existing ones? like category_business_16.png
I could find out, also where I would need to save one I wanted to use.
The manual states I can change icons but that is it. No specifics on where and requirements.
So I tried searching in Dolphin, just blank screens
Then Terminal
Now total befuddlement
Obviously I am missing a flatpak trick.

This is weird. Not where Umbutu thinks it is.
luigiwriter@luigi_Envy14:~$ whereis evolution
evolution: /usr/lib/evolution /usr/share/evolution
luigiwriter@luigi_Envy14:~$ cd usr
luigiwriter@luigi_Envy14:~/usr$ cd share
luigiwriter@luigi_Envy14:~/usr/share$ cd evolution
bash: cd: evolution: No such file or directory
luigiwriter@luigi_Envy14:~/usr/share$ cd ..

whereis flatpak
flatpak: /usr/bin/flatpak /usr/share/flatpak /usr/share/man/man1/flatpak.1.gz
luigiwriter@luigi_Envy14:~$ cd usr
luigiwriter@luigi_Envy14:~/usr$ cd share
luigiwriter@luigi_Envy14:~/usr/share$ cd flatpak
bash: cd: flatpak: No such file or directory

What am I doing wrong?
Any help and education will be greatly appreciated.

🤓 L. P. Luigi Espenlaub.
luigiwriter2 gmail com
Passed Three-Quarters of a Century mark.  Been beat up. Had my neck near broken. Heck! Almost blown up in the Bermuda Triangle, yet still plugging away.

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