[Evolution] Evolution caught in endless authentication loop

549 incoming email messages ago (3 days), my Evolution email client stopped being able to send/receive email messages.  Whenever I hit that Send/Receive button, I get into an endless loop of the program asking me to authenticate with gmail.com.   I enter my gmail address and password, press Yes on my phone to acknowledge that it is me (2 factor authentication), then accept the page that tells me all the things gnome can now do to my email.  In the past, (before 3 days ago) this process popped up whenever I rebooted my laptop and left Evolution fully functional until the next time I rebooted, but now it just goes right back to asking for my gmail authentication.    WTF?   Is there any fix for this on the horizon or should I try yet a 3rd email client for my Ubuntu 20.04 setup?  

I've tried sudo apt upgrade (which came back with nothing to do here) and
sudo apt update (which produced about 60 lines of text)
but that didn't help.

Evolution version 3.38.1-1

output from lsb_release -a   :
No LSB modules are available
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.10
Release: 20.10
Codename: groovy

Hardware:  HP Pavilion laptop 35.2 GB free on system volume  238.5 GB free on external 1 TB USB drive.

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