Re: [Evolution] Evolution lost its config - Import from backup fails - copying over directories fails


When I start Evolution again from the Gnome Applications Menu it starts up with the setup assistent
and all previously imported accounts are gone. I quit this instance from gnome and start it again
from console and everything is fine again... 

So what is the difference?

I opend the Main Menu Editor and looked at the launcher entry for Evolution and the app is started
by the following command:

/usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=evolution --file-forwarding
org.gnome.Evolution @@u %U @@

Yes, the flatpack version runs in a sandbox so won't be configured. You
must have installed the flatpack version at some point recently.  It's
definitely NOT needed on Fedora since that comes with the most recent

If I do the same on my private laptop the start command for Evolution looks like this

evolution %U

I dont know why there is this difference between my fedora 32 instances, but after changing my work
laptop to "evolution %U" all was fine again.

I think you probably need to look to see where the flatpack version
came from.  


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