[Evolution] Evolution lost its config - Import from backup fails - copying over directories fails

hello list members,
i have little problems with my evolution on my work laptop (Fedora 32 x64, Evolution Version: 
when i started my laptop this morning and after starting evolution, it came up empty with the setup assistent.

looking in the folders ".config/evolution/" and ".local/share/evolution" these folders are empty except for 
some standard files.

thanks i have a private fedora 32 laptop with evolution holding the same imap accounts and calenders and 

so what i did first is do a pkill on evolution on both machines and then synced the named both folders from 
my private laptop to my work laptop.

after this i started evolution on my work laptop again and it still came up with the setup assistent.

while this is not working, i did a pkill on evolution on my work laptop again and cleaned the above named 
directories and on my private laptop within evolution i went to "file -> Back up Evolution Data..." and did 
an backup. this backup file was named "evolution-backup-20200907.tar.gz" and i copied it over to my work 
laptop, started evolution again and within the setup assistent i said, that i want to import from backup. 
after selecting the file evolution began to "import", closes itself and came up with the setup assistent 
again - so no success... :-(

does anybody know how this comes?
any suggestions for a solution?


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