Re: [Evolution] Re +1 : how insert a .gif into a mail

On Sun, 2020-11-15 at 20:41 +0100, Ralf Mardorf via evolution-list
IMO it's important to point out that inserting, attaching an image
shouldn't fail. Sending large images usually fails, because email
servers usually limit the size of emails they will accept.
It's a different kettle of fish.
Am I mistake? Is it already impossible to insert or attach 109.0 MB?
If so why? Is the size per se limited via RFC?
I would expect it to be possible to ATTACH a 109MB document - in fact
I'm pretty sure I've done it.

I would not expect it to work, in any mail client anywhere, to INSERT a
109MB image/document.  The body of an e-mail is a Document-Object-Model 
kind of thing, and I just wouldn't expect any message edit to survive
such a traumatic event.

Whether even the former is wise is another question [the answer to
which is "no" - if only because the serialization of an e-mail
attachment bloats the payload by ~20%, so you are talking about 130MB
to send - and then store - 109MB].

Googling for RFC I found a limit of 50 MB. But IIUC there are "ifs"
and "buts".
Adam Tauno Williams, awilliam whitemice org
Multi-Modal Activists Against Auto Dependent Development
resisting the unAmerican socialists of the Motorist hegemony 

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