Re: [Evolution] Email look ups ..

On Fri, 2020-11-06 at 02:23 +0100, Ángel wrote:
gdb is too low-level IMHO for this.

if some part of the code is stuck on a response, not in an async call,
or when it received a response, but locked somewhere itself, then the
gdb's backtrace can show the exact place in the code, which was my
point. Wireshark cannot do that.

Japhering, would you mind to send me _privately_ the server domain you
configure Evolution with, please? I can give it a try here. I'll use
user@your.domain, because the 'user' part doesn't matter, for this
lookup. Unless you are on a VPN, or your location plays a role in the
host name resolution or anything like that, I might be eventually able
to reproduce it too.

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