Re: [Evolution] Email look ups ..

On Fri, 2020-10-30 at 09:41 -0500, Japhering Anonymous via evolution-
list wrote:
At this point, Evolution starts the lookup process, as indicated by a
dialog screen with the Gnome foot icon with the wiggling toes

I guess it's waiting for a response from one of the servers. It may
take around 90 seconds before the request times out (for each of the
requests - see below). Which exact server does not respond I do not
know. You might be able to get to the information when running
evolution under gdb, but I doubt it's Evolution's fault (after all, the
other accounts work as expected), thus it doesn't worth it to sped time
on it.

If you'd like to try it, then I can give you some commands to do so.
Or, you can verify my hypothesis when you run these commands:

   $ wget https://autoconfig.DOMAIN/mail/config-v1.1.xml\?emailaddress=EVOLUTIONUSER%40DOMAIN\&emailmd5=MD5
   $ wget http://autoconfig.DOMAIN/mail/config-v1.1.xml\?emailaddress=EVOLUTIONUSER%40DOMAIN\&emailmd5=MD5
   $ wget 
   $ wget 

where the DOMAIN is the domain part of the email address you used for
the account (being it "user example com", the domain is "")
and the "MD5" is the checksum value of "echo user example com | md5sum".
Keep the "EVOLUTIONUSER" as is.

Evolution tries each of these four addresses, in this order, until any
hits the result. If the server doesn't react in a timely fashion on any
of these addresses, then that's the time spent on the lookup.

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