Re: [Evolution] Feature

On Wed, 2020-03-18 at 09:21 +0300, Majed Zouhairy wrote:
yeah, you remind me about the song of the twins: i think after 9
months there is life outside the womb, while you: what are you
claiming? you are crazy, our life is short dark and full of suffering
and ends in here...

I have no idea what you are talking about. Or how that's helpful.

anyway, i spent more than a day trying to install evolution from
source and miserably failed...

Then use a package provided by your distribution.

meanwhile i configured thunderbird..and what do you know? message
sorting,there, takes less than three seconds, and i can select an
option to always use high contrast colors, unlike evolution which
adapts the system and senders colors...

Happy for you that you found a solution to some unclear problem that
was not well explained. For the future, please consider writing
messages that are readable (means: not green on black).

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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