Re: [Evolution] loading email

On Sat, 15 Feb 2020 11:36:43 +0000, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
POP always downloads the entire message.


I can confirm this, since I'm probably "eccentric", just using POP

However, assuming that the hardware, e.g. a HDD isn't fishy, some
really long emails with tons of links, especially when using unusual
Asiatic or Cyrillic fonts, but even without such fonts, could cause
very long delays, before they are entirely displayed and even allow to
switch to another message. Another MUA I'm using doesn't suffer from
this issue, but this MUA suffers from another, way more annoying
slowness, when switching from one folder, to another folder with
ten thousands of emails, something Evolution doesn't suffer from.

I never tried to find out what exactly does cause the delay for some
emails received by Evolution, since I receive such emails very seldom
and if so they are always irrelevant emails, either Ubuntu Foo-Flavour
next image issue reports or spam. It's just annoying to wait a minute
or so, before I even can delete such an email.

IOW check your HDD with smartctl or your SDD (with what ever software is
able to provide the required information) first.

If the drive shouldn't be fishy (other hardware less likely does cause
this issue), then I wonder, if all emails do cause this delay, or if
just some messages do it.


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