Re: [Evolution] Evolution Editor needs serious attention


On Wed, 2020-08-19 at 10:58 +0000, Van Stokes, Jr. wrote:
I was warned when I was forwarded the email address for evolution
support to not expect a very welcoming response. And they were right.
Your response is absolutely pitiful and just cements the poor
reputation the team has in the community. All you succeeded in doing
was creating another soldier that will add fire to the rumor.

You decided to enter a place by yelling "This is a disaster!" and I
tried to respond adequately. :)

Furthermore, I don't know which exact "community" you refer to.

Furthermore, I'm not sure who you think is "the team" here.

Furthermore, applies.

But I obviously struck a nerve because you did take it personally.

I don't think that I did, or what leads you to that assumption.

So, I need to provide clear steps to you one on how to PASTE into the
editor? Adding a SIGNATURE to a reply with a body? Seriously?

Did you read the links I pasted? They explain some things.

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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