Re: [Evolution] Archive option greyed out

On Mon, 2020-04-20 at 12:00 -0500, Christopher Marlow wrote:
I am using Pop3 and I went into evolution by going to Edit >
Preferences > clicked on my account > Defaults, and I told evo what I
wanted my default archives folder to be and when I get an email and I
want to archive it after I have read it, I go up to the toolbar and
to click the archive button and its greyed out.

I even tried CTRL ALT A and that doesnt work.

What am I doing wrong?

See "Help 🡒 Contents 🡒 Mail Management 🡒 Account Management 🡒 POP
mail account settings 🡒 Mail folder locations" in 3.34 or later.

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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