Re: [Evolution] Can't get credentials from gnome-keyring when using x2go or vnc

On Mon, 2019-09-30 at 20:49 -0500, D Ducky via evolution-list wrote:
I have noticed now with Fedora 30, that if I access my desktop
through x2go or VNC, I cannot use evolution properly because it does
not connect to gnome-keyring-daemon.  It's still running, but it's
not trying to connect or something.

I think we met on IRC few days ago. I still do not have any answer on
this. The thing is that evolution (eventually evolution-source-registry 
process) talks to gnome-keyring-daemon through libsecret, which uses
D-Bus (if I'm not mistaken). If you can run seahorse, then there might
not be any issue to run also evolution. I doubt evolution talks to some
isolated/stale evolution-source-registry process.

I do not know how to debug what is going on in the background, I'm
sorry. I'd probably start with libsecret debugging, if there's any
such. Maybe someone else here has an idea and/or an experience either
with x2go or VNC.

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