Re: [Evolution] Investigating lost POP mails

On Tue, 2019-05-21 at 00:24 +0200, Viktor Horvath wrote:
I'm running Evolution (currently 3.22.6) from Debian stable, since
many many years, and I'm generally very happy with it. Except for
today, when I noted that some messages from the last week-end seem to
have been lost.

the 3.22.6 had been released on 2017-03-13, thus it's more than two
years old. Doing any investigation in that version is basically waste
of time. The code base moved far from it and that version is
unsupported by upstream, thus the only place you can file a bug is your

What is the evolution-data-server version? I suppose it's 3.22.7
( ).

Anyway, some messages can be stored in
There's a file named 'uid-cache', where a list of known UIDs on the
server is stored. When it's empty, the POP code will download all known
from there. The 'cache' subfolder contains copies of the downloaded
messages. There was a bug that it could grow ad infinity, thus, maybe,
the messages are still there.

Also, I do not know for what you grepped in the folders, but you might
pick something unique and plain ASCII, because non-ASCII letters can be
encoded in the message headers, the same as the headers can be folded
(wrapped), thus it can be tricky to search for the message using grep.

By the way, you can enable POP debugging with:

But do not file upstream bugs, your version in ancient. You should
rather update to the latest stable, which is 3.32.2 at the moment.

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