[Evolution] Rules for different accounts


Pardon me for asking this again.. I lost my notes I had saved that I
took down from this group. 

I am needing to know I have 3 accounts in my Evolution

My Domain and 2 others

All emails to the domain are filtered at server level. 

But for some reason at this AOL account I get the same emails again, I
guess because I onced used that email address as a way to get bill
notifications way back before I got my domain. And\ anyways, these
company keeps sending notifications there to that AOL account even
though I've told all of those companies to use bills cwm030 com.

Anyways off subject, I really don't use that AOL address anymore.. I
just keep it around for the "just in case". 

My question is... How do I say emails from email xxx com that was sent
to the AOL account be deleted without it affecting my other accounts?


Chris CWM030 com

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