[Evolution] User Set Default Appointment Reminder Time

From looking in the various 'settings' sections in Evolution calendar, then inspecting
it appears that there is no way to customize a default reminder time for an appointment.  In the source code (as appear in the reminder pull-down menu) there are:
15 minutes before
1 hour before
1 day before
Now, it's no particular problem to choose 'custom', but I think it would be useful (and save several mouse clicks each time) to be able to set a user-defined value which would appear in the list (for example, I commonly set 5 or 7 days in advance for certain things).

So - I wanted to (1) verify that the above is indeed correct and (2) ask if this would be an appropriate item for which to file a feature request.

thank you,


Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa
Cinnamon 4.0.10

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