[Evolution] Some minor issues in Evolution

Dear Evolution community, 
after using Thunderbird for almost 20yrs, I switched the Evolution (3.28.5.
under Unbuntu 18.04). I love the much larger speed and less memory use.
Thanks for everybody contributing to this nice piece of software. However,
there are three small points which I dislike:
a) In calender, the appointments are marked by a square colored rectangle,
without rounded edges and surrounding lines. Having a busy calender, many
days are just one big color "blob" making it very hard to see when an
appointment starts and ends. From screenshots on the web, it seems to me
that in older versions, there were rounded edges and a thin black line which
made it possible to visually distinguish, in 3.28 (and 3.30), this is gone.
Is there any parameter file where I can change that?
b) In the mail view, one can activate with F9 a column showing the
appointments of today and the next few days. Very useful, but unfortunately,
the today view also shows the appointments which are already past. Would be
much more useful if only the ongoing and future appointments are shown.
c) In Thunderbird, there exists the wonderful add-on "quicktext", which
allows to freely define autocompletion codes (e.g. enter "br + SPACE" and it
produces "Best regards" and my name. I played a lot with templates, but
could not find a way to mimic the quicktext functionality. Any hints would
be welcome.
Best regards

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