Re: [Evolution] Contact files

On Wed, 2018-09-05 at 09:23 -0500, bernoot wrote:
 I need to recover the evolution contacts from a computer after it crashed
badly (soaked, actually).
 I was able to extract the hard disk and backup all files, but I cannot run
the system (btw, it was ubuntu 16.04) and softs any more, so I cannot save
the contact list using the normal procedure. Is there a (list of) file(s) I
could simply copy-paste into another system / user account to get the
 I tried with all the files named contact* and addressbook*, but it does not
seem to work.

You don't mention software versions, but
should be a high-level overview. By default, the databases are under
~/.local/share/evolution/addressbook/*/contacts.db in 3.28.

Not sure if any magic in the registry settings (dconf) is involved -
from a quick glance I can only see a value for the default address book
in there.

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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