[Evolution] Appointment date does not get updated / moved when you hit the "accepted" button of an invitation which updated an existing appointment


I am using evolution 3.28.5 + an ews account.

Yesterday a meeting I am an attendee of was moved from today to first
of november.

The organisator moved it in its Outlook and I got an email telling me
its on 1.11.
Evolution told me this one was already found (that's right, I already
had that one accepted but for today) and I hit the "accepted" button.

Evolution does sent an email to the organisator about that - but it
does not reflect the "new" appointment date, but the old one.
The whole appointment was also not moved to its new "destination".

We tried it two times - same result. I was forced to use OWA - when I
hit accept there it was moved to the right place and the sent answer to
the organisator was correct.

Looks like a bug, should I open a ticket?



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