Re: [Evolution] [off-topic] Marking quotes as such [was: Re: New mail windows]

On Mon, 2018-06-04 at 17:13 -0400, Dr. John H. Lauterbach wrote:
I have quotations said to be in red, but apparently that is not
enough. Please let me know how I should have my preferences set.

First off, make sure the format box just under the Subject: header in
the compose window says "Plain Text" and not "HTML" when writing an
email (to this list). 

In Prefences -> Composer Prefences set the "Reply style" to "Quoted"
(not "In Line"). (Note you can change the Reply Style on a per account
basis as well.)

The colour you specify quotations to be is only to highlight the
quotations when you view the emails.  It has nothing to do with
composing emails or how they are sent out.


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