Re: [Evolution] Connect Evolution to Exchange 2016

Attached is the output of
EWS_DEBUG=2 /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry

My system is an Ubuntu 18.04 with Evolution (including evolution-ews)
3.28.1 and libsoup2.4 2.62.1 installed.

What is the version of evolution-ews installed? I'm not expert on it,
but your debug listing has:

User-Agent: Evolution/3.27.90

Do you have multiple versions of Evolution / EWS hanging around?

 - install evolution-ews from master

The version of EWS should match the underlying version of Evolution.

Is this already a known issue? Should Evolution work together with
Exchange 2016? What else can I do to debug the issue?

It works with Office365, which is essentially Exchange2016, so I don't
see why not - and there's certainly not been any mass of posts about it
not working.


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