[Evolution] Filtering outbound messages problem


I am having a problem with filtering outbound messages

I have tried every which way to set this filter up and its not working


I have tried:

setting the match any / all settings


If sender ***IS***........ EvolutionMail cwm030 com

Then move to... ( all the instructions you see in the screenshot) 

I have tried if sender ***CONTAINS***....EvolutionMail cwm030 com

Then move to... ( all the instructions you see in the screenshot) 

I have even tried IF mailing list recipient **CONTAINS**........evoluti
on-list gnome org
Then move to... ( all the instructions you see in the screenshot) 

I have tried IF mailing list recipient  **IS** evolution-list gnome org
Then move to... ( all the instructions you see in the screenshot) 

Basically what I am wanting to do is move any emails sent from Evolutio
nMail cwm030 com to a certain folder which would be Evolution Mail >

The only reason I tried the evolution-list gnome org varients was to
see if it would move any emails sent to that address from the sent
folder to the folder I am wanting to use for emails I send to this

An ideas?


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