Re: [Evolution] Maildir account broken by update?

On Wed, 2018-07-11 at 22:45 +0200, fabien wrote:
I'm running Evolution 3.12.9 in Debian (Jessie) to display emails from
an IMAP, POP and MailDir accounts. This is the last version in Jessie,
namely 3.12.9~git20141130.241663-1. 
Earlier today a bunch of packages got updated (without any problem,

However, when starting Evolution afterwards, the emails related to the
MailDir account could no longer be displayed. 

In my preferences/Account/Receiving email page, the directory is now set
to (None) instead of my MailDir folder, and setting it back doesn't
help : opening the page again shows it's back to (None). 

According to the user documentation, account data is stored under
Are that folder (plus your MailDir folder itself) writable?

Making Evolution re-create a new folders.db didn't help.

Also, trying to create a new MailDir account yields the same problem
than the initial MailDir account. It seems impossible to set the
Directory to something else than (None)...

Any idea?

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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